Who Needs Physiotherapy at Home?


Having a home physiotherapy device at home brings more comfort and relaxation and speeds up the recovery process for the elderly and those who have joint problems. To know the best types of physiotherapy devices in 2022, join us in the rest of the article.

1/10/2023 6:17:31 PM
Who Needs Physiotherapy at Home?

Having a physical therapy machine at home has many benefits for the elderly or those with joint problems. Among them, they don't have to constantly spend a significant part of their time in traffic or on the road and finally arrive at the clinic or home tired and bored. Also, people who have recently undergone joint surgery are very vulnerable and there is a possibility of them falling or falling. In such a situation, using a home physiotherapy device not only provides more comfort and relaxation, but also accelerates the healing process. Knowing the best types of physiotherapy devices and their brands in 2022 will help you speed up the rehabilitation process for yourself or your loved ones with a correct choice.



Who needs physiotherapy at home?

When you have joint pain, there is nothing more relaxing than finding a warm, soft corner and getting into the perfect sitting or lying position! Now imagine that due to severe pain and to resolve the problem, you are forced to undergo surgery and you use strong painkillers intermittently. In this case, in order to recover your movement power, you need equipment and physiotherapy equipment in addition to drug therapy.

But what is physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is a set of physical touch actions performed by equipment with the aim of improving complications from accidents, joint tears, Parkinson's, strokes, breathing problems or pain in the spine.

Physiotherapy relieves the most painful condition that affects the joints. The purpose of this operation is one thing: pain relief! The pain has to subside before you can get back to work, whether it's exercising, doing housework, or sitting at the computer. This operation must be done with the help of specialized devices, which you may have seen advanced examples of in hospitals and clinics.

But some people, such as disabled elderly people who have had severe strokes, people who face serious body weakness after surgery, and professional athletes who have to be away from the field for months, need a physical therapy device on an ongoing basis. For these people, replacing physiotherapy at home with daily visits to the clinic is an important and positive step in speeding up the treatment process.


Benefits of physiotherapy at home


Remove the feeling of illness from the mind

It does not matter for what reason a person should use this treatment method. Whether he is an elderly person or an athlete, when he is going to go to the hospital or clinic constantly and is exposed to dealing with other patients and nurses, this mentality that he is still sick and needs treatment causes him to lose his peace of mind. The presence of a physiotherapy device at home in the environment where he spends every day from morning to night and interacts with other family members, makes a person feel mentally improved.


Reduce route problems

Someone who needs medical care can find it difficult to sit in a car for long periods of time, get stuck in traffic, wait for an elevator, and sometimes go up and down stairs. To all of these things, add the fact that if the patient and his companion do not have a private car and are supposed to use public transportation or make a series of station changes, what will happen to the patient. These sufferings will be even more intense in big cities like Tehran, where a 20-minute journey normally takes an hour. In addition, the patient's waiting in the clinic to receive services should be added. Having a physiotherapy device at home saves time and causes less pain and trouble to the patient.


Back to normal life

In the situation where the patient has to have a companion to get services at the clinic and accompany him until he returns, but doing physiotherapy at home will help the person with the problem to find his independence sooner and, in other words, return to his normal life. .

Accelerate the healing process

Think about it, the patient arrives at the clinic after suffering the journey, receives the desired services, some techniques such as massage or sports exercises are taught to him to do at home, but after receiving these services and on the way again Injured, his body is exposed to impact, dangerous rotations and finally damage. It is obvious that using a physiotherapy device at home makes both physiotherapy services more effective and sports movements and other techniques have a positive effect on the patient's health.


Time Management

In today's car life, it has happened many times that we are suffering from toothache, but we have never found a suitable time to go to the dentist; Because we are at work all week and after the end of working hours, the dentists have gone home! We are witnessing exactly such an incident to benefit from the services of physiotherapists. It is not easy to coordinate with the clinic schedule. Many people miss out on professionals and therapy because of inflexible work schedules. This problem can be easily solved by buying a home physiotherapy device.


keeping balance

For people who have lost their balance after having a complication, going to the clinic is dangerous, because each person may fall, but it is also psychologically taxing for the patient, because he sees the mirror. which has lost a significant part of its power. By performing physiotherapy services at home, while the person receives the necessary treatment in a safe environment, he also has enough motivation to improve.